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DED for Certain Hong Kong Residents Extended; EADs Extended through Feb. 5, 2027

The Pinjuh Law Firm, LLC > Immigration News > News > DED for Certain Hong Kong Residents Extended; EADs Extended through Feb. 5, 2027

On Jan. 15, 2025, President Biden issued a memorandum extending eligibility for Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) for certain Hong Kong residents. The president also directed the secretary of homeland security to provide certain Hong Kong residents continued work authorization through Feb. 5, 2027. For this reason, certain Hong Kong residents are employment authorized incident to DED. In addition, USCIS has automatically extended through Feb. 5, 2027, DED-related Employment Authorization Documents (EADs) with a Card Expires date of Feb. 5, 2023, or Feb. 5, 2025.

SAVE can verify this employment authorization extension using information from a benefit applicant’s EAD or other immigration documentation, even if it is expired on its face. In some instances, the benefit-granting agency may need to perform additional verification. 

For more information, please refer to As provided by the president’s memorandum, a Federal Register notice is coming soon. 

Last Reviewed/Updated: 01/16/2025,5%2C%202027.

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